January 4, 2014

Red Flags you Missed Before Signing a Prenup

Love it or hate it, the prenuptial agreement has become a fairly common practice before marriage. Although many people still have their reservations about the business-like approach to marriage, couples of high net worth see the value. It is a great precautionary measure for those who like the security of knowing how their financial futures […]

December 4, 2013

The True Cost of Separation without Divorce

How long-term separations can be more expensive than divorce With divorce comes a lot of intimidating decisions. The prospect of sorting out custody, support, alimony, and division of property can lead many couples to detach from their marriage and walk away. Rather than officially address each major issue, these couples have the best intentions to […]

November 24, 2013

Divorce mediation – is it for you?

A realistic view of the modern approach When a couple begins to consider divorce, it sometimes cushions the inevitable to suggest divorce mediation. As a means to an end, divorce mediation makes perfect sense to help protect the best interests of your children and your finances without breaking the bank. Many do this to reduce […]

Protecting Your Credit Score in Divorce

What to do, or not do, to maintain a good credit score in divorce Divorce opens the door for happiness and a new beginning for many; however, that can often be quickly tainted by poor credit. Pulling apart one, complex financial life, can be damaging for at least one if not both parties to a […]

October 24, 2013

Mistakes to Avoid When Considering Divorce

5 Common mistakes and how to avoid them Never an easy decision, divorce creates a lot to think about. Thoughts of the family, the affect on the kids, and money can overwhelming . Fortunately, if you are considering a divorce, there are people and resources out there to help make sense of the transition and […]

July 2, 2013

Choosing a divorce attorney | Tips & Caveats

What to consider before hiring representation for your divorce As with any other area of law, hiring a lawyer with experience is always important. For this area of law, choosing a divorce attorney that has a heavy volume of his or her practice specifically in family matters is crucial. An attorney who primarily practices family […]

February 20, 2013

Risky Business | Bad Investments’ Affect on Property Division

Unfortunately, many divorces contain unsettling news when it comes to property division.  Poor decision making about finances can affect how the Courts divide a couple’s property in divorce proceedings.  However, one party losing marital funds during the marriage does not alone warrant an unequal property division. Under 23 Pa.C.S.A. ß 3502(a) of the Divorce Code, […]