January 27, 2025

How to Protect Your Business from Legal Disputes

Running a business can be rewarding, but it also comes with its share of risks—legal disputes being one of the most significant. While some disputes are unavoidable, many can be mitigated or entirely prevented with proactive measures. Here are key strategies to protect your business from legal disputes: 1. Establish Clear Contracts Contracts are the […]

February 13, 2024

Is a “Like” or 👍 Legal Acceptance?

It Was in This Case In a decision that may be a warning sign of ones to come in the States and abroad, a Canadian court has ruled that a “like” reaction or emoji reply (as in ?) could reasonably be considered a legally binding contract acceptance. While the decision does not establish Canadian legal […]

Navigating the Divorce Maze: 5 Tips to Choosing YOUR Divorce Lawyer

Choosing the right divorce lawyer is a decision that can significantly impact the outcome of your divorce proceedings, and even your mental health. At a time when emotions are often (and understandably) running high, you’re also thrust into the complexities of a legal process.   You need a guide, an ally, a true partner – someone […]

The Importance of Buy-Sell Agreements in Business Relationships

It is important for any business with more than one owner to have a well drafted buy-sell agreement in place. These contracts, often referred to as buy-out agreements, govern what will happen in the event of an owner leaving the business for whatever reason. Failing to properly value a business or misunderstanding the different valuation […]

March 26, 2020

Navigating Parenting Post Divorce

Divorce can be a difficult process for a child to go through. It can add on extra stress while they are already undergoing difficulties with other things such as school, extra-curricular activities, sports, or anything else they are involved in. It is important to help them maintain organization with all the added time adjustments living […]

February 24, 2020

What To Consider Before Filing For Divorce

When faced with a life changing event like a divorce, it is important to take into consideration the possible outcomes and factors at play. It is vital that you look at what to consider before you consider filing divorce. These four questions will help you make the decision on whether you are prepared to file […]

February 17, 2020

Steps To Take After Your Divorce

When your divorce is finalized it can feel like the end of a tedious process. However, while your marriage is officially ended your duties to the divorce may not be. Whether you have a settlement agreement, or it is ordered by a court there may be steps after the finalization that you are required to […]

February 12, 2020

What Not To Do After Divorce

Getting your divorce decree can feel like you’ve had a massive weight lifted off your shoulders. You may feel a certain sense of freedom now that the long and drawn out process is finally over. However, when your divorce is finalized there are still things that can get you into trouble, especially if children are […]

July 17, 2017

10 factors that affect child custody relocation in Pennsylvania

For whatever reason there are times in life when one needs to move or relocate to either another county or even a different state, at that moment one must take a look at the 10 factors that affect child custody relocation in Pennsylvania. When dealing with divorce and child custody issues things can become even […]

July 2, 2013

Press Release: Protection from Abuse Updates

Recent updates to filing procedures will change how to file Protection from Abuse in Bucks and Montgomery County, as well as other counties in PA.  The changes will provide Judges with more information on the parties and specific circumstances surrounding each case prior to issuance of an Order. In response to these important changes, our […]

February 20, 2013

New Philadelphia AVI | Appeal your tax assessment

The city’s new property tax assessments are going to save one neighbor a lot of money and increase another’s just as much, if not more.  The bottom line is that there is very little uniformity with this system.  This new system is known as the Actual Value Initiative and assessments are based on 100% of […]

Risky Business | Bad Investments’ Affect on Property Division

Unfortunately, many divorces contain unsettling news when it comes to property division.  Poor decision making about finances can affect how the Courts divide a couple’s property in divorce proceedings.  However, one party losing marital funds during the marriage does not alone warrant an unequal property division. Under 23 Pa.C.S.A. ß 3502(a) of the Divorce Code, […]

February 19, 2013

Phila Tax Hikes | Conducting a Tax Assessment Appeal

  This is just one example of the tax hikes. The Philadelphia tax hikes are hitting everyone hard – some people have contacted our office with astounding new figures that they just can’t believe. With the mathematics and realistic values of these properties, we wonder where the owner will come up with the difference of […]

February 9, 2013

Know Your Social Security Benefits after Divorce

Are you not receiving Social Security benefits?  Are you are present divorced? Was your prior marriage lasted for at least 10 years? Are you 62 years old?     Do you remain unmarried? If your answers to the above questions are YES, this is the right time for you to review your Social Security benefits. You […]

CraftMaster Real Property Tax Assessment Appeal… Granted!

CraftMaster Real Property Tax Assessment appeal was granted. In 2012, Bradford County cut its tax assessment by 14.7 percent. CraftMaster Manufacturing, Inc. was earlier assessed with $3.90 million Real Property Tax, but was reduced to $3.33 million. The reduced Real Property Tax Assessment was the result of an out-of-court settlement between Bradford County and CraftMaster.  (2012) […]

February 2, 2013

Adultery, Ground for Fault based Divorce in Pennsylvania

Like all other US states, Pennsylvania admits of different grounds for Divorce, the No Fault Divorce and Fault based Divorce. Adultery is one of the grounds for Fault-based divorce. How to prove Adultery Adultery must be proven before the Court. However, there are certain qualifying acts that may prevent the case of adultery to prosper. […]

December 28, 2012

Can an extramarital affair post-separation affect support?

Extramarital Affair and Spousal Support Many times, couples separate and start new relationships during the pendency of the divorce – which some might consider an extramarital affair. In a recent case decided by Pennsylvania Court, husband appealed from the trial court order that dismissed his exceptions and granted the wife spousal support. A long-recognized exception […]

December 27, 2012

Recent PA Child Relocation Decision

Can you relocate with your child? In a recent case, the Mother’s petition to relocate was denied. The mother appealed from the trial court order that denied her petition for relocation and a related request to modify the terms of custody for the parties’ six-year-old son. The recently enacted new Child Custody Act became effective […]

December 25, 2012

First-in-time Rule, Jurisdiction & Venue in Divorce or Custody

Where does jurisdiction lie? Have you ever wondered which state has jurisdiction over a divorce case if one spouse leaves the state? How about if you have children, where does the Custody case take place? A recent Pennsylvania case addressed such issues and confirmed what has been a precedent for some time. The father and […]