When served with a Protection From Abuse (PFA) order in Pennsylvania, it’s crucial to take it seriously and follow these steps: 1. **Review the Order**: Read the PFA order thoroughly to understand the details, restrictions, and requirements imposed by the court. 2. **Comply with the Order**: Abide by all conditions outlined in the PFA order, […]
5 MORE Tips to Choosing Your Divorce Lawyer
Continuing Our Series on Navigating the Divorce Maze ICYMI: We reviewed tips 1-5 here. We recommend reading those tips first. 6. Experience and Expertise Divorce cases can vary widely in complexity, so it’s crucial to choose a divorce lawyer with relevant experience in handling cases like yours. Inquire about their track record and success rate […]
Navigating the Divorce Maze: 5 Tips to Choosing YOUR Divorce Lawyer
Choosing the right divorce lawyer is a decision that can significantly impact the outcome of your divorce proceedings, and even your mental health. At a time when emotions are often (and understandably) running high, you’re also thrust into the complexities of a legal process. You need a guide, an ally, a true partner – someone […]
CCES Process in Bucks County and what to Expect
CCES Process in Bucks County and What to Expect Have you recently been ordered or agreed to participate in the CCES program? The process can be extensive and confusing for most. You may be thinking to yourself, what is it that I need to know, how much does it cost and what happens after CCES. […]
7 Reasons Why You Should Hire a Lawyer for Custody Sometimes it is a difficult decision to make to decide if you should hire an attorney for your child custody matter. There is always the option to represent yourself pro-se, but will your knowledge and little experience with this topic be enough? Below I […]
Navigating Parenting Post Divorce
Divorce can be a difficult process for a child to go through. It can add on extra stress while they are already undergoing difficulties with other things such as school, extra-curricular activities, sports, or anything else they are involved in. It is important to help them maintain organization with all the added time adjustments living […]
What To Expect With The Closure of Courthouses
COVID-19 has impacted everyone’s lives in more ways than we could have imagined. The virus is incredibly contagious and being in the same room can expose you to catching it. In order to contain the virus and flatten the curve of patients overwhelming our health care system schools, churches, retail stores, and many crowded areas, […]
What To Consider Before Filing For Divorce
When faced with a life changing event like a divorce, it is important to take into consideration the possible outcomes and factors at play. It is vital that you look at what to consider before you consider filing divorce. These four questions will help you make the decision on whether you are prepared to file […]
Steps To Take After Your Divorce
When your divorce is finalized it can feel like the end of a tedious process. However, while your marriage is officially ended your duties to the divorce may not be. Whether you have a settlement agreement, or it is ordered by a court there may be steps after the finalization that you are required to […]
What Not To Do After Divorce
Getting your divorce decree can feel like you’ve had a massive weight lifted off your shoulders. You may feel a certain sense of freedom now that the long and drawn out process is finally over. However, when your divorce is finalized there are still things that can get you into trouble, especially if children are […]
Changes In Alimony Tax Law
Starting in the 2019 tax year there are changes in alimony tax law. Alimony payments are no longer tax deductible. They are also no longer reported as income by the recipient. The reason this is now like this is because the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act that was signed into law in 2017 eliminated the […]
What To Expect In A Final Divorce Trial
When it comes to your divorce, walking into the court room may be the most intimidating part of the whole procedure, for someone who has never been there before. The fear of the unexpected in a final divorce trial can keep people up at night. Being prepared can help your case go a lot smoother […]
Family violence is a very serious issue that happens usually behind closed doors. These victims often feel terrified, helpless, and alone with no way out. However, there is a lifeline and help can be found. The courts can provide protection through the law when needed. A protection from abuse order can help victims of family […]
How People Can Hide Money in a Divorce
In today’s day and age hiding money and valuable assets away can be very difficult but not completely impossible. There are many ways people can try and hide money from their significant other. When facing a divorce equitable distribution can be an over whelming thought. When it comes to monitoring assets, its important to keep […]
Dividing a business during a divorce in Pennsylvania can bring about a certain set of specific challenges. If the business is a small and both parties are involved with the business, it many times can feel like you are going through a second divorce. Fortunately, there are efficient ways to go about handling this difficult […]
2-year separation period shortened to 1 in no-fault divorce
In October of 2016, Governor Tom Wolf signed Act 102 into law shortening the waiting period for no-fault divorce by one year. Advocates of the bill say it is aimed at lessening the toll that divorce takes on children. Prior to the bills passing, arguments for both sides were heard. Advocates claimed the prolonged waiting […]
For whatever reason there are times in life when one needs to move or relocate to either another county or even a different state, at that moment one must take a look at the 10 factors that affect child custody relocation in Pennsylvania. When dealing with divorce and child custody issues things can become even […]
A tale of a Two-Year Separation Case in Pennsylvania
After a full day trial over a dispute as to the date of separation court sides with…..(see below) BRIEF NARRATIVE OF THE CASE Wife and Husband were married in the early nineties and had one child from this marriage. Due to irreconcilable differences, Wife filed for Divorce. It is Wife’s assertion that Husband is alleging a […]
Spousal Spying in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
If you are contemplating divorce, you may be of the mind that would should engage in a course of spousal spying. If that is what you are considering, you most definitely are not alone. The reality is that many individuals facing problems in their marriages, or the prospect of divorce, engage in spousal spying. The […]
There was a point historically when mothers were favored as the primary custodians of minor children in divorce proceedings. In other words, these was a presumption that mothers are more fit or qualified to be the primary caretakers of children than were fathers. The reality is that in all jurisdictions in the United States, decisions […]