February 16, 2014

Defense of Spousal Support, Overview and Facts

Defense of Spousal Support, Overview and Fact Sheet When a party files for support, the whole tone of a divorce can change dramatically. Money, which may have been the cause of divorce, certainly raises the stakes during a divorce action and can lead to troubled negotiations or discussion. Pennsylvania laws exist to prohibit an undeserving […]

Financial Dishonesty in Divorce

Dealing with “financial infidelity” during the divorce process By now, most of Bucks County has spent a lot of time snowed in with their significant other. Valentine’s Day is approaching and our government just raised the debt ceiling – again. At the moment, conditions are not favorable for struggling marriages and recent survey data shows […]

January 4, 2014

Division of Assets in Pennsylvania Divorce

Avoiding unnecessary costs Once you and your spouse have made the decision to divorce, be sure to stay conscientious and logical about division of assets. Splitting everything during divorce is ultimately a matter of getting each spouse’s name off of the bills agreed upon in the settlement. Keep in mind the following considerations when it […]

When the Ex Refuses to Move Out

How to get your ex to move on and move out After the divorce, and during, your ex may not be the best roommate. In today’s economic climate, many couples are forced to maintain a shared residence while separated. But what happens when the ex overstays his or her welcome and shows no signs of […]

Spouse Stopped Paying Support

What to do when your spouse leaves you paying all the expenses This is an all too common occurrence and frequent question in cases of separation and divorce. Husband or wife leaves the home, sometimes without much warning, and the other is left struggling to maintain the bills in his or her absence. Electric bills, […]

Red Flags you Missed Before Signing a Prenup

Love it or hate it, the prenuptial agreement has become a fairly common practice before marriage. Although many people still have their reservations about the business-like approach to marriage, couples of high net worth see the value. It is a great precautionary measure for those who like the security of knowing how their financial futures […]

December 4, 2013

The True Cost of Separation without Divorce

How long-term separations can be more expensive than divorce With divorce comes a lot of intimidating decisions. The prospect of sorting out custody, support, alimony, and division of property can lead many couples to detach from their marriage and walk away. Rather than officially address each major issue, these couples have the best intentions to […]

November 24, 2013

Divorce mediation – is it for you?

A realistic view of the modern approach When a couple begins to consider divorce, it sometimes cushions the inevitable to suggest divorce mediation. As a means to an end, divorce mediation makes perfect sense to help protect the best interests of your children and your finances without breaking the bank. Many do this to reduce […]

A Common Regret After Divorce in Pennsylvania

How not hiring a lawyer can lead to regret   Our office knows the extent to which a divorce can exhaust a client, especially when they have sought counsel after being un-represented for much of the proceedings. We also know how satisfied clients feel for having solid guidance during a tough time. Handling divorce in […]

Protecting Your Credit Score in Divorce

What to do, or not do, to maintain a good credit score in divorce Divorce opens the door for happiness and a new beginning for many; however, that can often be quickly tainted by poor credit. Pulling apart one, complex financial life, can be damaging for at least one if not both parties to a […]

November 8, 2013

Selling the Marital Home in PA: Tax Exemptions

What to think about before listing the marital home for sale Among the many important decisions you and your spouse will have to make during your divorce, dividing marital assets is surely one of the top priorities. Both parties have much to gain or lose from this transaction, and lately, the economy has been causing […]

October 24, 2013

Late-life Divorce on the Rise

The emerging trend of “gray divorce” and what to consider According to the National Center for Family and Marriage Research at Bowling Green State University, divorce rates for couples over 50 have doubled between 1990 and 2009. Late-life divorce, also known as “gray divorce”, is becoming more common and creating uncertainty about future implications. Financial […]

Mistakes to Avoid When Considering Divorce

5 Common mistakes and how to avoid them Never an easy decision, divorce creates a lot to think about. Thoughts of the family, the affect on the kids, and money can overwhelming . Fortunately, if you are considering a divorce, there are people and resources out there to help make sense of the transition and […]

What happens to inheritance in divorce?

Defining and distributing inheritance in divorce   Divorce clients often fear complete loss or reduction of their inheritance during equitable distribution. The question as to whether or not this asset is a marital property may change the conditions surrounding the inheritance and its role in the divorce. Determining whether or not an inheritance is marital […]

October 11, 2013

How to Protect Your Business During Divorce

It’s your life’s work – protect your business during and after divorce After years of hard work and dedication, the value of a business may run deeper than its bank accounts. Families often become entangled in the ownership and daily operation of a business. With this comes complicated and emotional situations – especially in the […]

September 25, 2013

Withdrawing Funds from Shared Accounts in a Divorce

How to finance divorce with shared accounts It is no secret that filing for divorce costs money, and hiring legal counsel requires the payment of a retainer fee. Individuals considering divorce often grapple with how to approach gathering the money to proceed. The timing, the amount, and whether or not to discuss the withdrawal depends […]

Common Questions about Pennsylvania Divorce

Covering the basics about divorce in Bucks County Taking the first steps toward divorce can be intimidating. Wondering about all of the unknowns is overwhelming and consuming. Hiring an experienced Bucks County divorce attorney will eliminate the questions and help you make decisions. Start your research about divorce with these general guides to explain what […]

September 4, 2013

Understanding Common Law Marriage in Pennsylvania

Does your relationship constitute as marriage? Many misconceptions and myths exist about common law marriage.  Difficult to understand and even harder to define, the state of Pennsylvania no longer recognizes common law marriage.  For couples curious if they qualify as “married” under common law, consider it a moot subject if you started dating after January […]

Welcome Jahn S. Chesnov, Esquire: 27 Years of Family Law in Bucks County

We are excited and pleased that Jahn S. Chesnov, Esquire has joined our team to continue providing excellent service to the Bucks County community. Mr. Chesnov will provide insight and advice to support our large portfolio of family law cases. As a seasoned practitioner of Family Law in Bucks County, Mr. Chesnov provides 27 years’ experience […]