When served with a Protection From Abuse (PFA) order in Pennsylvania, it’s crucial to take it seriously and follow these steps: 1. **Review the Order**: Read the PFA order thoroughly to understand the details, restrictions, and requirements imposed by the court. 2. **Comply with the Order**: Abide by all conditions outlined in the PFA order, […]
5 MORE Tips to Choosing Your Divorce Lawyer
Continuing Our Series on Navigating the Divorce Maze ICYMI: We reviewed tips 1-5 here. We recommend reading those tips first. 6. Experience and Expertise Divorce cases can vary widely in complexity, so it’s crucial to choose a divorce lawyer with relevant experience in handling cases like yours. Inquire about their track record and success rate […]
Navigating the Divorce Maze: 5 Tips to Choosing YOUR Divorce Lawyer
Choosing the right divorce lawyer is a decision that can significantly impact the outcome of your divorce proceedings, and even your mental health. At a time when emotions are often (and understandably) running high, you’re also thrust into the complexities of a legal process. You need a guide, an ally, a true partner – someone […]
For whatever reason there are times in life when one needs to move or relocate to either another county or even a different state, at that moment one must take a look at the 10 factors that affect child custody relocation in Pennsylvania. When dealing with divorce and child custody issues things can become even […]
Marital Property in Divorce
Property disputes tend to occur in many divorce cases. When contemplating divorce, a person must understand the basics of how property is handled by the court. For example, a person needs to understand the difference between marital property and separate property in divorce cases. Marital Property Defined Marital property is property of any type that […]
Child Custody Factors
Child custody decisions in divorce cases in Pennsylvania focus on what is deemed to be in the best interests of a minor. In an effort to ensure better reasoned and more uniform decisions by judges in regard to child custody issues, a set of best interests factors are to be considered by a judge in […]
Help with Transportation for Shared Custody from Recent PA Case
Divorced or separated parents know how difficult it can be to maintain a consistent routine for shared custody. Two households, one school, varying schedules including sports or after school activities – when parents are working, pick-ups and drops offs can be become stressful. For schools, keeping up safety measures of who is taking a […]
Divorcing an Abusive Husband
Divorce and Abusive Husband, Protections and Considerations for Women It is an unfortunate truth that domestic violence is still a threat to women. Those who have decided to leave the marital home and pursue divorce face many fears and often, real danger. Divorce may seem like an impossible luxury to women living with an abusive […]
How to get your ex to move on and move out After the divorce, and during, your ex may not be the best roommate. In today’s economic climate, many couples are forced to maintain a shared residence while separated. But what happens when the ex overstays his or her welcome and shows no signs of […]
What to do when your spouse leaves you paying all the expenses This is an all too common occurrence and frequent question in cases of separation and divorce. Husband or wife leaves the home, sometimes without much warning, and the other is left struggling to maintain the bills in his or her absence. Electric bills, […]
Divorce mediation – is it for you?
A realistic view of the modern approach When a couple begins to consider divorce, it sometimes cushions the inevitable to suggest divorce mediation. As a means to an end, divorce mediation makes perfect sense to help protect the best interests of your children and your finances without breaking the bank. Many do this to reduce […]
How not hiring a lawyer can lead to regret Our office knows the extent to which a divorce can exhaust a client, especially when they have sought counsel after being un-represented for much of the proceedings. We also know how satisfied clients feel for having solid guidance during a tough time. Handling divorce in […]
What to do, or not do, to maintain a good credit score in divorce Divorce opens the door for happiness and a new beginning for many; however, that can often be quickly tainted by poor credit. Pulling apart one, complex financial life, can be damaging for at least one if not both parties to a […]
Late-life Divorce on the Rise
The emerging trend of “gray divorce” and what to consider According to the National Center for Family and Marriage Research at Bowling Green State University, divorce rates for couples over 50 have doubled between 1990 and 2009. Late-life divorce, also known as “gray divorce”, is becoming more common and creating uncertainty about future implications. Financial […]
5 Common mistakes and how to avoid them Never an easy decision, divorce creates a lot to think about. Thoughts of the family, the affect on the kids, and money can overwhelming . Fortunately, if you are considering a divorce, there are people and resources out there to help make sense of the transition and […]
Defining and distributing inheritance in divorce Divorce clients often fear complete loss or reduction of their inheritance during equitable distribution. The question as to whether or not this asset is a marital property may change the conditions surrounding the inheritance and its role in the divorce. Determining whether or not an inheritance is marital […]
How to Protect Your Business During Divorce
It’s your life’s work – protect your business during and after divorce After years of hard work and dedication, the value of a business may run deeper than its bank accounts. Families often become entangled in the ownership and daily operation of a business. With this comes complicated and emotional situations – especially in the […]
Child Support Deviation based upon Custody | Bucks County
PA Guidelines Allow Child Support Deviation Based on Custody The calculation helps determine child support or support deviation for Bucks County and all Pennsylvania support cases. The amount child support deviation may increase or decrease depending on the amount of parenting time spent with the child(ren). It may not necessarily rely on overnights either – […]
Understanding Common Law Marriage in Pennsylvania
Does your relationship constitute as marriage? Many misconceptions and myths exist about common law marriage. Difficult to understand and even harder to define, the state of Pennsylvania no longer recognizes common law marriage. For couples curious if they qualify as “married” under common law, consider it a moot subject if you started dating after January […]
We are excited and pleased that Jahn S. Chesnov, Esquire has joined our team to continue providing excellent service to the Bucks County community. Mr. Chesnov will provide insight and advice to support our large portfolio of family law cases. As a seasoned practitioner of Family Law in Bucks County, Mr. Chesnov provides 27 years’ experience […]